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  • AI Doctor Medical Robot of Rehabilitation Training Secrets
    AI Doctor Medical Robot of Rehabilitation Training Secrets

    With the continuous improvement of economic level and people's demand for a better life, how to protect and restore health has become a major key point in the medical cause. In the context of the continuous progress of medical devices, AI Doctor intelligent produces passive active lower limb exoskeleton robots, which is an innovative product combining science and technology with medical health.AI Doctor always protects the needs and rights of patients, and produces many products with...

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  • Intelligent Rehabilitation Robot Should Choose AI Doctor
    Intelligent Rehabilitation Robot Should Choose AI Doctor

    Rehabilitative robot realizes the recovery, compensation or assistance of the patient's movement function through direct contact and interaction with the patient, and its important feature is the Human- Computer Interaction mechanism in the coexistence environment of robot and patient. Intelligent rehabilitation robotAccording to the theory of brain nerve plasticity, let patients actively participate in rehabilitation training to get better rehabilitation effect.

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  • AI Doctor tells you the secret of ArmMotus ™ M2 Pro upper limb rehabilitation robot
    AI Doctor tells you the secret of ArmMotus ™ M2 Pro upper limb rehabilitation robot

    With the continuous development of medical level and intelligent rehabilitation equipment, people's demand for medical conditions is also increasing. Rehabilitation training, as a major area of today's medical industry, is constantly being popularized and improved, such as AI Doctor's ArmMotus ™ M2 Pro. It is a good practice, which can help the majority of patients not only to treat, but also to recover with quality. At the same time, it can provide immersive interactive experience, rapidly...

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  • Wonderful AI Doctor limbs active and passive balance system robot
    Wonderful AI Doctor limbs active and passive balance system robot

    With the continuous progress of modern medical technology, people's demand for the medical field has been expanding, and a single treatment and diagnosis has been unable to meet the existing needs of patients and their families. At the same time, medical rehabilitation has officially entered people's vision, such as AI Doctor. It is a great exploration in the field of medical rehabilitation. How to rehabilitate patients with high speed and high quality and protect the rights and interests of...

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  • AI Doctor intelligent upper limb rehabilitation robot is good!
    AI Doctor intelligent upper limb rehabilitation robot is good!

    At present, people are refreshing their understanding of robots and paying more attention to medical robots, which drives the innovation of medical robotics technology. Medical robot has been a typical representative of cutting-edge technology since its birth. Whether for the capital market or scientific research, medical robot is one of the hot spots of concern.As a brand of medical robots, AI Doctor keeps pace with the times in all aspects, such as ArmMotus ™ M2 of rehabilitation auxiliary...

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  • Intelligent Rehabilitation Robot Choose AI Doctor
    Intelligent Rehabilitation Robot Choose AI Doctor

    At present, all kinds of diagnostic and surgical robots, as well as exoskeletons and intelligent prostheses that use machines to enhance human abilities, have a trillion-dollar market potential, which has brought medical treatment into a new era. AI Doctor has a wide range of intelligent medical products, It can cover the rehabilitation training of different parts of customers in different periods, make the traditional boring rehabilitation training interesting, and later help some...

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  • Finger Function Rehabilitation Training in the Middle and Later Periods Recognize AI doctor Novice Function Comprehensive Training Table
    Finger Function Rehabilitation Training in the Middle and Later Periods Recognize AI doctor Novice Function Comprehensive Training Table

    Nowadays, in the era of increasingly sophisticated science and technology in intelligent rehabilitation equipment, the domestic intelligent rehabilitation medical device industry has entered the fast lane of development. Based on intelligent rehabilitation device technology, AI doctor has built a platform for rehabilitation medical devices to help upgrade and transform traditional rehabilitation medicine. For example, a series of equipment is bringing more help to the medical field.

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  • AI Doctor Rehabilitation Robot of Rehabilitation for Process of Patients
    AI Doctor Rehabilitation Robot of Rehabilitation for Process of Patients

    With the rapid development of modern science and technology, the medical industry is undergoing great changes. With the continuous introduction of artificial intelligence technology and the improvement of automatic production technology, Rehabilitation robot came into being. Rehabilitation robot aims to help disabled and dysfunctional people achieve rehabilitation of motor, cognitive and other physiological functions through functional compensation and rehabilitation training, which has great...

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  • AI Doctor intelligent upper limb robot provides a strong guarantee for patients.
    AI Doctor intelligent upper limb robot provides a strong guarantee for patients.

    AI Doctor of rehabilitation equipment manufacturers is a company focusing on medical rehabilitation equipment in China. For many years, it has been committed to providing accurate combination supply of intelligent rehabilitation for the disabled elderly or disabled people in hospitals, rehabilitation hospitals, nursing homes and other scenarios. Hand function comprehensive training table is AI Doctor intelligent. It is mainly aimed at disabled, elderly and disabled people, and has been widely...

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  • The Rehabilitation for AI doctor Intelligent Rehabilitation Aids is good for you
    The Rehabilitation for AI doctor Intelligent Rehabilitation Aids is good for you

    Intelligent rehabilitation AIDS is not only the symbol of scientific and technological progress, but also carries people's imagination of a better life in the future. Rehabilitation treatment is not a simple application of a single technology, but a comprehensive application of a variety of technologies, and requires planned and step-by-step training. Then, the use of intelligent rehabilitation AIDS also plays a great role in the whole process of rehabilitation training.AI Doctor has been...

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  • AI doctor Technology changes the future and makes easy
    AI doctor Technology changes the future and makes easy

    With the progress of society and the continuous development of rehabilitation equipment manufacturers, people's quality of life is getting higher and higher. In this situation, intelligent continue to focus on intelligent rehabilitation equipment to provide better protection for people's high-quality life. Over the years, the company has always adhered to the concept of "making science and technology better serve mankind".It is committed to providing more convenient rehabilitation medical...

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  • AI doctor Intelligent training system for lower limbs guarantee you
    AI doctor Intelligent training system for lower limbs guarantee you

    In the highly competitive market, how to make the medical devices they produce recognized by people and widely used in the medical industry depends on the efficiency and quality of the products. AI Doctor focuses on intelligent rehabilitation equipment, and has been focusing on hospitals, rehabilitation centers and nursing homes for disabled elderly or disabled people for many years.Home provides an accurate combination of supplies for smart rehabilitation. It is such a rehabilitation...

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Showing 37 to 48 of 101 (9 Pages)